Why Teams Need Graphic Facilitation | TwoLine Studios

You have a story to tell that is impactful, memorable, and sharable. We help you bring it to life with graphic facilitation in our Visual Strategy Sessions.

Line-By-Line Blog TwoLine Studios Visual Strategy Sessions Graphic Recording Graphic Facilitating Services Heather Willems

As people return back to in-person events, leaders have made workshop sessions even more memorable with TwoLine Studio’s graphic facilitation.

Whether you call it visual note-taking, scribing, graphic recording, or graphic facilitation we help to clarify the complex by drawing up your big ideas - in real-time. When concepts are made visible it activates multiple sensory points in the brain, you know, the areas in charge of spatial, verbal, semantic, and motoric memory! When you are learning and communicating with all parts of the brain, those important ideas tend to stick!

We want to share with you why graphic facilitation is a powerful tool. We use it in our innovation sessions, strategy meetings, and team buildings to ignite new ideas for teams making coming back to live events even more memorable. 

“Drawing improves memory across various tasks and populations, and the simplicity of the strategy means that it can be used in many settings.” 

- Myra Fernandes, Ph.D. 

Creativity is important. It helps spark curiosity, fuels your imagination, and as you practice, it builds your confidence. It also helps you explore your thoughts and ideas, forging connections that were not there before. We believe drawing is the outlet for this creativity to blossom. 

Heather Willems TwoLine Studios Vision Springboard Workshop Visual Notes Graphic Recording Graphic Facilitating Line-By-Line Blog

Vision Springboard Board Retreat - Drawing up SuperPowers

Drawing out your ideas helps you make a bigger impact in your visual strategy process: 

  • SEE your ideas 

  • Shift your perspective 

  • Ask BIGGER questions 

  • Imagine the SMALLEST details 

  • Create something from nothing 

Drawing helps to focus your attention, enter a flow state, and remember more information effectively. Additionally, it provides simple ways to communicate complex ideas. We process and learn information in five ways: hearing, seeing, reading, doing, and feeling. You activate the five learning modalities when you draw and write down the biggest ideas visually. If you sketch something that makes you laugh and ignites emotion, you activate even more parts of the brain! 

You are probably wondering, how does graphics work in action? 

Our superpower is listening. In real-time, we distill the key messages and big ideas shared during a meeting or event to tell a story. Our brains work in pictures so we can organize and illustrate the story right before our eyes. 

Live Scribing at South By Southwest panel discussion by Robert A Tobiansky - Photo credit - Getty Images

The result is a one-of-a-kind visual storyboard that shares your detailed story and makes ideas tangible. It’s a powerful tool that helps people visualize problems from a new perspective and align common ideas. Drawing is at the root of our Visual Strategy Sessions. 

There is a reason for the saying, “An image is worth a thousand words.” Our brains not only process images faster than text, but we engage and stay connected when a story comes to life visually.

Adding graphic facilitation will clarify the complex, inspire swift action, and create visuals to share with your audiences internally and externally. 

Innovation Transformation Graphic Recording Two Line Studios Line-By-Line Blog Heather Willems Graphic Facilitating

A digital graphic recording by TwoLine Studios for a Constellation’s Connected Enterprise Conference

We have used this process to lead innovation sessions, facilitate workshops and guide annual strategy sessions that engage participants by putting their pen to paper. Youth writers worked with us to ignite new ideas for storytelling, non-profit leaders sketched images visualizing guiding principles, and a high-performing athletics company used it to imagine how they could create a more sustainable world. Working with this diverse group across so many different sectors has been such a gift. 

For almost two decades, our team has been leading visual strategy events with brands big and small. Incorporating this technique into your next meeting will heighten engagement, enhance communication, and increase comprehension. 

Two Line Studios has been helping brands communicate virtually for years. Our facilitator-led sessions implement a Clarity Through Creativity®™ approach using visuals, storytelling, and creative inspiration — even when getting together in-person is not possible. Subscribe to our newsletter below to bring clarity from complexity.


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